today’s contest



Look closely at this photo. In the comments section, tell me what you think is going on here. Fill in the blanks of this story.

After you’re done making your best (or funniest) educated guess…

…click here to see the rest of the story.

The best response—i.e., my favorite—gets a copy of this book. (Contest ends July 31.)

Void where prohibited.

the start of somethin’ somethin’


Smith Street jam session. Around the corner from our apartment. Brooklyn, NY. June 2015

Today is July 1st. The 2nd half of 2015 has officially begun and we intend to use the rest of the year to kick some ass. Creative ass, that is. One way we intend to do this is by writing/posting/sharing on a consistent basis. To say we’re going to do it every day is to set ourselves up for failure. We’d like to do it every single day.

But the focus must be on what we can do today.

The individual days—and the moments, the now—that’s what we need to focus on. Staying productive, effective, accountable and creative. If we stay on point with these things, good things will surely come our way.

But as my wife has pointed out more than once—and I don’t disagree—nobody wants to read about me writing about how much or how little I’m writing. So that’s the last you’ll hear me speak of this for a good long time.

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I’d rather be writing about what’s on my mind. Today we’ll focus on how much we’ve been loving life in Brooklyn. We’re on our 228th day as New Yorkers—bonafide Brooklynites, to be exact—and there are many reasons to love this place. Here are some of mine:

Restaurants galore. Living in Cobble Hill has turned us into serious foodies. From our favorite sushi bar, Kiyoto, which is literally about 30 yards from the entrance to our apartment building, to our new favorite Italian spot, Layla Jones, to our previous favorite Italian spot, Sottocasa. Then there’s this place that calls itself “BoB”—which is only one of the reasons to love it. It seems like once-a-week we’re stumbling onto another cool place to eat. We’ve barely felt the need to tap into the deliciousness awaiting us in Manhattan.

Subway love. Speaking of Manhattan, one of the best parts about where we live is the fact that we’re 2 blocks from the subway. From the G line we’ve got a 10- or 15-minute subway ride to Williamsburg or Prospect Park. The F train is about 15 minutes to Soho. If you’ve got to squeeze into a rush hour train, you’re probably not loving it as much as a guy like me. Most of my subway rides have been off peak hours. So my subway romance is alive and well.

People watching. The subway alone would be enough for this. (I like to create backstories for the people I’m sitting across from. On my bucket list is to spot someone reading one of my books on the subway.) But there’s nothing like walking the streets of New York City. And I’ve done plenty of walking around Brooklyn—though I’m itching to explore so much more. From our Cobble Hill neighborhood I’ve explored the places and faces of Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, Gowanas, Williamsburg and Prospect Park. I’m looking for suggestions on new places to go. But I’m also savoring our neighborhood, where we’ve got—besides great restaurants—a much-loved butcher shop, interesting boutiques, yoga studios, quaint parks, movie theaters and the coolest Trader Joe’s I’ve ever seen a mere 2 short blocks from our apartment. Plus, you never know when a street fair is gonna pop up around the corner from your apartment. Life is good in Cobble Hill.

Brooklyn Bridge. We live about 10 blocks from the iconic testament to American ingenuity. I love being near the bridge, biking over the bridge, looking at the bridge. Molly and I jogged to the center and back a couple weekends ago. Thanks to the magic of the iPhone 5, we now know we’re exactly exactly 2 miles from the middle. I hadn’t jogged in years. That’s how inspiring it’s been to be near the Brooklyn Bridge. Maybe it’ll turn me into a runner yet.

Creativity centralOne of the reasons I eventually wanted to live in New York City is because it always struck me as the center of the universe. Sure, LA had the movies and TV. But New York had everything else in spades: theater, publishing, art—culture. Plus all the history, the clout, the energy. Not to mention a film and TV landscape that’s been churning out memorable product for decades. That’s not going anywhere. If anything, it seems to be on the upswing. All of which is to say, it’s nice to be in the center of it all. I may not have gotten out as much as I’d like as of yet, but it’s coming. Still, I’ve managed to drum up close to a dozen freelance assignments, even though it took me a while to get going. (Moving here during the holidays in the dead of winter certainly didn’t help.) I’ve written profiles on TV writers (The Colbert ReportDaredevil), features on gripping new TV shows (any Bloodline fans out there?) and I’m now working on a big baseball piece for this website, an idea that’s been brewing in my psyche for 20 years. Sunday I’m going to “Seinfeld Day” at the Brooklyn Cyclones minor league baseball game in Coney Island for an assignment I got from Hemispheres magazine. And maybe best of all, I’ve recorded, edited and posted my first few podcasts—including this chat I had with The Who’s musical director for my new 2 Degrees of BOB podcast. Let me know what you think.

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These are only some of the things I’m loving about living in Brooklyn. We’ll keep you posted on anything else we fall in love with out here in the bliss of Brooklyn. Thanks for joining us.

So where are you finding your bliss?